Friday, August 24, 2012

A Day in the Life

Cooperstown publishes a generic "Daily Itinerary" of what a tournament day is like. It captures a little bit of what really transpires. For a blow-by-blow depiction of a day for the players and coaches, check out this attempt to re-create what our Monday was like, with 11 and 4:30 PM games

7:00 AM - Coaches wake up
7:02 AM - Coaches take anti-nausea medicine to counter the effects of being saturated in the smell of 12-year old feet
7:15 AM - Coaches begin waking players up
7:20 AM - Players out of bed, dressing, brushing teeth
7:40 AM - Jacob Werle finally wakes up, informed he has blown his chance to brush teeth
8:00 AM - Breakfast
8:30 AM - Back to cabin
8:40 AM - Laundry retrieved by coach and Player A, who did something stupid the day before to earn           laundry duty
8:45 AM - Laundry distributed
8:50 AM - Player B does something stupid to do earn laundry duty going forward
8:55 AM - Rousing game of "All Right, Who's Wearing My Underwear?"
9:00 AM - Down time - pin trading, or, sleeping in full uniform, if your name is Ollie Evenson
9:30 AM - to batting cages and practice fields for practice
10:30 AM - depart practice fields for game
10:45 AM - take field for game
11:00 AM - Game time!!!
1:00 PM - Game ends
1:01 PM - Players hector parents for money to get concessions
1:05 PM - Groveling unsuccessful, kids and coaches head to barracks, sweet, sweet freedom for parents
1:15 PM - Lunch
1:45 PM - Into uniform for game 2, kids sing team anthem. Of course, I am referring to "Baby Got Back"
2:00 PM - Down time - pin trading, whiffle ball, or, sleeping in full uniform, if your name is Ollie Evenson

3:00 PM - to batting cages and practice fields for practice
4:00 PM - depart practice fields for game
4:15 PM  - take field for game
4:30 PM - Game time!!!
6:30 PM - Game ends
6:35 PM - Depart for Pizza dinner at place where parents are staying
7:00 PM - First parent observes that "the coaches seem to be hitting the beer pretty hard"
8:30 PM - Parents notice house now smells like 12-year old feet, begin musing on how late it is, and shouldn't the kids be getting back?
9:00 PM - Players and coaches return to barracks, sweet, sweet freedom for parents
9:05 PM - Down time, pin trading, whiffle ball, glow in the dark frisbee, watching inappropriate videos on You Tube, or sleep if your name is Ollie Evenson
9:45 PM - Player B brought in side for laundry duty, complains it should have been given to Player C through L
10:00 PM - Coaches bring players in to get ready for bed, brush teeth, shower
10:10 PM  - Coaches shake off shock of how few players brush their teeth or shower
10:15 PM - Ollie Evenson confirmed to be in some kind of coma
10:30 PM - lights off, quiet talking OK
10:45 PM - quiet time enforced, coaches head outside to debrief on day
10:50 PM - "Shut up in there!'
10:52 PM - "I mean it!"
10:53 PM - "Next person who talks gets laundry duty tomorrow"
10:55 PM - Dead silence
11:00 PM - Coaches fall asleep sitting upright at picnic bench

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