Sunday, August 19, 2012

Game 4: New Fairfield Thundercats 7 Minneapolis Millers 3 (extra innings)

The 42-0 loss didn't hurt the kids, but this one did, because it was right there to be won. Down a run with 2 outs in the 6th, Dom  (below) poked a single to right, and Zach hit a double that just missed going out to score him. Jacob also barely missed a HR in the 4th. The wheels came off a bit in the 7th, but until then, defense was solid, and we got great pitching from Sam, Ollie, and Luke.

This was our first look at a steady of diet of curveballs, and for the most part we were bamboozled by it. We finally had some kids start to figure it out late in the game  (see Dom below, waiting on a curve), one of many ways Cooperstown educated the kids and required them to elevate their game.

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